DFM Interactive Results Viewer

Interactively review and investigate DFM results.

PCBflow is currently best experienced on desktop.
View the video to see what PCBflow can do for you!

Interact with a sample DFM analysis report in our online result viewer.

Use the tutorial or try it yourself.  Zoom, pan, navigate the board to examine some design flaws found by PCBflow DFM analysis.

*Note: the viewer may take a moment to load, we promise its worth the wait!


The new interactive PCBflow results report

PCBflow new report presents a new display of all board layers including accurate component footprint powered by Valor Part Library.
The user can easily navigate between DFM results, search for specific results by category name.

  • Expandable/collapsible DFM results listed by topic
  • Selecting DFM result from list will automatically zoom & display the DFM result in the viewer area
  • Easily copy x-y coordinate of DFM result or mouse for use in design tool
  • Zoom/pan, display/hide layers, select layer color
  • Display DFM category explanation
View PDF Sample Report

Bridging the gap between the ecosystems

PCBflow is a place that brings together PCB designers and manufacturers. It forms a bridge between the ecosystems that addresses the trust issues, but also provides value-add services that accelerate the transition from design to manufacturing.

  • Connect with and contact your manufacturer
  • Converse with your manufacturer about your analysis results, specific to their DFM profile
  • Share your project data and reports
  • Create and store unlimited projects
  • Review your DFM results any time from any location